Directed by Trevor Ashley and staged on the set of Beautiful: The Carole King Musical the annual showbiz event Hats Off! will take it’s final bow at the Sydney Lyric Theatre on Monday 20 November at 7.30pm.
Stars are lining up already to take their place in this incredible charity event - Queenie van de Zandt, Nancye Hayes, Simon Burke, Silvie Paladino, Jacqui Dark, Lara Mulcahy, Rhonda Burchmore, Mitchel Butel, Shaun Rennie, Phil Scott, Jonathan Biggins, Rachael Beck, Michael Cormick, Amy Lehpamer, Lisa Adam, Anne Wood, Kirby Burgess, Chloe Zuel, Angelique Cassamatis, Loren Hunter, Peter Eyers, Paul Capsis, Chloe Dallimore, Esther Hannaford and cast members from Beautiful plus Minnie Cooper and a bevy Sydney’s top Drag Queens. Presented by ACON in collaboration with OSCEFA.
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